Since 2000 the Global Partnership has been convening annual conferences (“Gatherings”)
in Burlington, Vermont and other venues. Twice a year approximately 25 to 45 academics, doctoral students, practitioners, and educators with a background and interest in the transformative potential of social constructionist and other “postmodern” perspectives for social work and related fields gather for three days of spirited dialogue, reflection, connection and laughter. Formally titled, “Transforming Social Work Practice, Education & Inquiry”, the Gatherings focus on expressions of “postmodern,” particularly social constructionist, ideas and their potential application to issues germane to social work. Our venues are chosen based on their food and lodging costs and their ability to accommodate all participants in a beautiful setting.
Unlike traditional academic conferences, we have tried to make the Gatherings expressions of the ideas we explore. Thus, the Gatherings are participatory, interactive and relational, with dialogue, rather than presentations, as the primary mode of learning. The centrality of dialogue also enables us to engage in a variety of activities ranging from outdoor excursions to the sharing of artistic expression.
Much of our dialogue centers around broad topics chosen by Gathering participants from a menu of topics developed each year by an ad hoc committee of participants. Examples of two past topics can be found on this page.
Upcoming Gathering
May 7 – 10, 2020 in Charlottesville, Virginia
Consider joining us for four days of stimulating conversation, meaningful connections, and fun (yes, we can do important work and have fun). Our venue at the Inn at Darden on the beautiful University of Virginia campus offers a comfortable and peaceful setting for us to interact, connect, and explore topics germane to social work.
If a small, diverse highly interactive, participatory conference based on dialogue is attractive to you, complete the interest form by clicking on this link.
Hope to see you in May!